Success Cases

There is a large diversity of wells operating with No-Kalt.

Some of them have been the subject matter of studies to review their results and represent good operation examples:

  1. Repsol YPF AGBKa 401

    Problem: Very high viscosity. Oil has mobility in the formation, but does not circulate along the tubing.

    A Series 2000 No-Kalt was installed in August 2000.

    Result: For the first time the well could produce and the development and normal operation of a new high viscosity field which had hitherto been unexploitable was possibilitated.

  2. ASTRA AEA 441

    Problem: High viscosity. PC pumping is operating at its maximum limit and there are frequent faults in sucker rods. The well has a larger potential which the company wants to take advantage of.

    A Series 1000 No-Kalt system was installed in March 2000.

    Result: High counterpressure problems which produced frequent faults. The well is operating without any problems ever since that date.
  1. OXY PC-2081

    Problem: Viscosity and paraffin. There are frequent stoppages and the well production is adversely affected by these interruptions.

    A Series 3000 No-Kalt system was installed in August 2008.

    Result: The well is operating normally. With normal maintenance of the pumps, it is possible to operate without getting to a pulling, which was previously impossible due to the viscosity of the fluid.

  2. Pemex 2000

    Problem: Viscosity. The well produces but its flow is limited by this restriction. Gas lift pumping is used.

    A Series 2000 No-Kalt systems was installed in January 2004.

    Result: Net production was increased by more than 30% and high counterpressure problems leading to frequent breakages disappeared. The well is operating without problems ever since that date.


Results do not take long. From the very moment it starts operating, problems disappear.


The prevention of deficiencies generates very high operating returns, which avoid the loss of profits and repair costs.


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Tel/Fax (54 11) 4554 5665 or 4554 3289
0800 - 888 - GLOBAL -
Zapiola 1415 - CP: C1426AUC
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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